Classic Channel Regatta

Dartmouth - St Peter Port - Lézardrieux - Paimpol

"La plus belle régate du monde"

Rules & Safety Information

The events will be governed by The Rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

All competing boats will be required to comply with the requirements of the World Sailing Equipment Rules and the World Sailing Offshore Regulations.

Except where otherwise stated in the Sailing Instructions, the rules of the RRS Part 2 shall not apply between sunset and sunrise and shall be replaced with the corresponding rules of the International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea (IRPCAS) which are available from the RYA.

Safety and Life Saving equipment
In addition to the yacht’s safety and life saving equipment, each competitor is individually responsible for wearing personal buoyancy adequate for the prevailing conditions. Specifically a life-jacket and harness shall be worn on deck:

  • Between the hours of sunset and sunrise
  • When alone on deck
  • When reefed
  • When the true wind speed is 25 knots or above
  • When visibility is less than 1 nautical mile
  • There are special requirements for yachts without guardrails, see Notice of Race

Crew numbers shall not exceed the design of the boat or the capacity of the personal safety equipment and life raft.

The information on this page is intended as a guide only and is not exhaustive. Specific details of Rules and Safety requirements will be given in the Notice of Race  (and amendments thereto) and the Sailing Instructions.

GOLD Partners (2024)

Supporting Authorities (2024)

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